>> | №161120 #49 hatate22.jpg - (40 KB, 250x333) >>161119 Первым делом Хатате вспомнила популярный слух, который ходил в стенах альма-матер во время её обучения на журфаке, дескать все крутые чуваки из клуба Лунатик Экстра Фантазм любили прятаться под юбкой Когасы во время её, кха-кхе, первого спелла. Хатате набрала номер Айи: — Привет, подушка! — Привет, подружка! Признавайся, ты училась прятаться под юбкой Когасы когда училась в академии? — Да, было дело. Вот только у меня не получалось удержаться там в 5 из 10 случаев и я бросила тщетные попытки. — Ты можешь помочь мне с расследованием? В ответ Хатате получила архивное видеодоказательство восьмилетней давности: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVAJ4Ll_SCY (таймкод 5:20) и прилагающиеся материалы к нему. >Parasol Star Memories has a safespot as well, and it's almost exactly the same as her first noncard. This time there's a little less wiggle room, as her purple bullet wave spawns a little closer to her body, so you're gonna have to get a little more personal with Kogasa's undergarments to pull it off. If you choose to use this safespot with Marisa A or Sanae B, you'll have to watch out for the orbs that you'll kill while you're in it, so it's much harder to pull off with those shot types. Fortunately for you, they have the easiest "regular dodging" of that card, so you probably don't need it in regular runs with them. >Reimu B almost requires using this safespot (as you'll probably die/time it out otherwise), so if you're planning on score-running with her, you'd best learn it. Keep in mind that Kogasa can move down slightly after throwing her wave of bullets, so try not to get rammed. At two power and above, you should be able to kill the card after 3 waves of bullets (~10 seconds). >And lastly, many people have troubles with Kogasa's last card. My general strategy is to move towards the right side and up to completely avoid the light blue amulets, then move straight over to the left side. >I'll then go down to the left side (hopefully fast enough to completely avoid the light blue amulets again), then move back and forth near the bottom of the screen, leaning more towards sides that don't have orbs flying by. I find a little higher than the bottom of the screen works best for dodging, around the yellow line. Еще одно коварное расследование было завершено. Хатате, довольно потирая руки, опубликовала желтуху и ушла спать. |