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Let's start an English speaking club?
We'll buns and girls in English.

>> №5310560
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Нет. Приходить сюда и заставлять говорить на своём языке - верх наглости. Вы, волчары, ничего не попутали?

>> №5310561

You're baaaaka!!

>> №5310562

Тебе учебник русского может порекомендовать?

>> №5310563

No, no, thank you, i know russian very well!
Lets talk english please.
What is the weather today?

>> №5310564

На православной борде грешно разговаривать на з*падном языке. Имейте совесть, друзья.
Ничего удивительного, что такую глупость нам предлагает анимешная версия дьявола.
Скрывается искуситель за милой мордашкой и пытается нас свести с пути праведности.

>> №5310565

Give me back my melon bun!!!

>> №5310566

Может создадим на каждый язык тред? Почему нет, вдруг захочется на тибетском поговорить.

>> №5310569
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Unhesitatingly double this. English opens the way to precious knowledge that probably never will be available in other languages. If everyone knew all those things gather dust at the libraries...

>> №5310586

американ мен серьезно думает, что все станут говорить на английском ради него

>> №5310588

Why are you so angry!

Почему бы не быть этому треду, неплохо было бы немного поучить язык, общаясь с другими сырнами жаль, что не немецкий конечно. А вы тут сразу рычите на всех. кроме того почему сразу Англичанин, может это Сатаняфажик?

>> №5310591

> может это Сатаняфажик?

Что о нём известно? У него забавные треды и посты.

>> №5310593

As far as I can assess, none in this thread are native English speakers.

Seeking some practice here might be misguided, only serving to reinforce mistakes of everyone involved. At the same time, there are numerous predominantly English-speaking imageboards alone, most having good portion of native speakers and many more communities of other formats. If you truly want to get the hang of using English conversationally, you should probably seek those instead.

Bringing English here might offer some new dimension to the wordplay routine of regulars, but it would be a poor substitute for proper practice and would certainly not increase accessibility, as if that was the goal, this place would've never came to be in first place.

>> №5310597

I am nositel english language. I am very good v etom.

>> №5310598
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>Почему бы не быть этому треду, неплохо было бы немного поучить язык

Чтобы нормально поучить язык, нужно общаться с теми, кто на нём хорошо говорит. А тут ты только рунглиш попрактикуешь с такими же безграмотными.
Кстати, а давайте вместо "рунглиш" говорить "сырник"?

>> №5310600

/tran/ для чего существует?

>> №5310603

For transes.

>> №5310604


> рунглиш

ᚠᛏᛟ ᚠᛏᛟ-ᛏᛟ ᚺᚨ ᚱᛞᚺᚨᚷ?

>> №5310617

OP you is here

>> №5310618

I'm a native speaker actually.

>> №5310623

Hallo. btw, Die Blinden Telefone haben ein somewhat of Deutschlandsprachen Zimmer.
Better than nothing, and closer to home. I remember the result of epic survey of 2012 finding out that years spend on imageboards have greater correlation to languages proficiency than one's age. I remember threads with foreign guests here.
I remember the times when IIchan was the creative works on the ru-speaking part of internets and atmosphere was encouraging on self-grows, including foreign languages skills, instead of being depressing by restrict itself to rehearsing a limited list of dead memes.
Been there a billion eons ago. Recently accidentally have visit it again - as expected it's dead. But look at here! Someone, with some level of expertise even, have left some big and juicy post very recently! And regardless overall deadness he even have said he will be back sometimes answering more questions on the topic if there ever will be. Me being slightly interested in topic and uplifted about board I have been visiting once still have some life in it I did left one of mein. Guess what happen when I checked thread in few days? Столб был забанен^W удалён для этого пользователя.
What the hell are you doing here?

>> №5310625

Unexpected if true. The point still stands though: out gloomchan might not be the best place for such an exercise by any metric; >>5310598 was able to put it more concisely.

>> №5310827
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My best online friend has been speaking only English to me for two years now. I'm not particularly happy about it, but he and I are almost family, so I have no choice. In the epoch of automatic translation, it makes little sense. Having no inner motivation, I got hooked on machine translation and my language skills even degraded during this time. For example, I have no idea if I'm using the past tense of a verb correctly. I'm not going to find out. I don't even hope to figure these out in the future. I even use a translator for the simplest phrases, almost like good morning. Although in general I can read English quite well.

>> №5310832

I don't come here often, and I post even less frequently. When I was just 5 years old, my parents made the decision to uproot our lives and move to my maternal grandfather's homeland of England. Up until then, Russian was always the language spoken in our household, and no one bothered to teach me a word of English. I still vividly remember the immense stress I experienced during those early days when I couldn't understand a single soul at nursery. Although my mother used to recount that, miraculously, within six months I was happily chatting away with the local kids. Fast forward to now I'm 24, about to graduate from university this year with a master's degree. I've grown into a strapping bloke with a beard, yet oddly enough, I haven't been able to land a job in my field of expertise. But no worries, things will work out just fine. In the meantime, I find myself toiling away on a grueling job that demands a hefty 250 hours per month.

>> №5310833

I'm not sure which language feels closer to me right now, as I speak Russian with my family but converse in English with everyone else. Surprisingly, I don't have an accent despite using English as my second language for such a long time and so frequently that locals often express surprise at my foreign background. I spend a lot of time reading and writing in English, and it's become a common occurrence for me to think in this language. Honestly, I sometimes find myself grappling with questions of self-identity, especially during my teenage years. Even now, I haven't quite stumbled upon a satisfying answer

>> №5310836
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Все отписались? А теперь бан вам.

>> №5310837


>> №5310844
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The charges, officer?

>> №5310876

5 years is early enough to avoid developing accent, I guess.
Сорян, кент андерстэнд ю. Кент ю спик инглиш?

>> №5310879

You will banned mothefaka

>> №5310880
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>> №5313287

At summer I tried to do a little social experiment, it was about talking to people on the streets in English. I mean strangers asking you something and sellers. Man, if only you could see their faces :)

>> №5313303
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Вёр зэй фэйспалминг фром ёр акцент?

>> №5313312

They weren't. My accent isn't so bad. Besides I look quite like a student from Turkey.

>> №5313341
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>> №5313344

Say smth in Japan

>> №5313345

Ich kann auch ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen. Welche Sprachen sprichst du?

>> №5313350

"ein bisschen" in German is an adverb meaning "a little bit".

>> №5313407

Омаено ка-тян дебесо.

>> №5313506


> нэко но перуени


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